You can find a selection of open-source coding projects on my github, including:
Flarestack: Unbinned likelihood analysis code I developed to do neutrino correlation studies. It has been used in multiple IceCube analyses, including for TDEs and AGN cores.
nuztf: The analysis pipeline I developed for filtering ZTF data coincident with external (Neutrino/GRB/GW) triggers. It uses the AMPEL software framework.
mirar: Modular Image Reduction and Analysis Resource (MIRAR), an open-source modular python package for astronomy image reduction which I created with Viraj Karambelkar with Caltech. mirar was developed to reduce and analyze data from the Wide-Field Infrared Transient Explorer (WINTER) telescope at Palomar Observatory, but is also used by other instruments including SEDmV2 and DREAMS.